The search for the fountain of youth by man has been in progress since time immemorial; there is nothing new about that. What have however changed are the methods of inquiry and discovery. There has been progress in this aspect. One of the most radical advances in the field of life extension revolves around the use of adult stem cells (stem cell therapy).
Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body. They are remarkable in that they have the ability to differentiate into any other type of cell in the body. When life begins, a single giant cell (the zygote) replicates repeatedly to give rise to every other cell in the body. The cell from which other cells spring forth contain the entire genetic code of the person (the genetic code is the biological software that produces and defines each cell type in the body). After the body has been developed, among the trillions of cells in the body remains a population of quiescent stem cells waiting to be called into action to help in the repairs of damaged tissue. These stem cells abound everywhere. They are present in the body’s adipose tissue, bone marrow, and in every single tissue compartment. The stem cells are nature’s repair kit. They wait readily to repair tissues whenever the need arises.
How the adult stem cells work can be illustrated using the skin as an example. The skin is used because it is the ‘guidepost’ for how old a person is. As one gets older, the skin starts to thin and lose its elasticity. It is the loss of this elasticity that causes it to wrinkle and sag. Normally, the skin consistently renews itself, shedding old cells as new cells are created underneath. The birth of these new skin cells is caused by the activities of the adult stem cells. As one ages, the adult stem cells decrease in number and gradually become dysfunctional. If one is able to keep the regeneration of skin tissue at more youthful levels by the addition of adult stem cells, He / She would be able to maintain a youthful-looking skin for a longer period of time. Practical and experimental evidence exist to show that the repair of organs can be achieved with this technology. However, whether this same technology can be used to stop general aging is yet to be ascertained.
It is documented that stem cells can be used in the management and treatment of more than 130 diseases. These include kidney stones, kidney failure, liver diseases, dysfunction of the pancreas, vision impairment, skin repair, glaucoma, cancer, down syndrome, stroke, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, brain trauma, problems with the musculoskeletal system, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, bone marrow transplant, wound healing, enlargement of the prostate, cardiovascular diseases among others.
Stem cell therapy commands huge market potential. It is estimated that 80% percent of developed countries will make use of stem cell therapy and wellness technology within the decade. The market potential of stem cells within the next decade is estimated to reach approximately US $50 billion.
for today we end here.